1. To grease консистентной with greasing an internal surface of an aperture of the case of the lock and to insert into it the cylinder with a key.
The prevention At assemblage of the cylinder with the lock case to check up correctness of a relative arrangement of apertures for moisture removal, fig. the Arrangement of a returnable spring and fig. the door-lock Cylinder.
2. To establish a returnable spring on the top part of the case of the lock. On the locks intended for the left doors, spring pads should be visible to the left of apertures for moisture removal (if to look from above). On the locks intended for the right doors, spring pads should be located to the right of apertures for moisture removal, fig. the Arrangement of a returnable spring. |
3. To establish on the cylinder of the lock an arm so that its lever has been turned to the left on locks for the left doors and – to the right on the locks intended for the right doors.
The prevention Arms can differ colour: white for locks of the left doors and black for locks of the right doors.